Marcela Ramirez-Aza

Marcela Ramirez-Aza

About The Artist

Colombian painter born in Bogotá (Colombia) with studies in social communication, artistic drawing, photography, visual arts, graphic design and history of art. With a continuous work, looking for a coherent language for more than 20 years, with its needs of aesthetic expression, Marcela Ramírez has experimented with different pictorial fields, over different painting supports and unusual techniques, from the figurative styles to the informal abstractions. Her work is the result of the decision of dissociating from her academic training. This is an independent attitude which led her to postpone her participation in exhibitions until being convinced of having a solid proposal that makes her feel fully identified. Currently, Marcela Ramírez is concreting an exhibition of original pieces, over sometimes unexpected supports, with some inner value, and other supports which are premeditated. She stamps earth pigments, acrylics, oils and prominent textures evoking unfinished spaces with a palette in which magenta, violet, ocher, silver and gold dominate.