About The Artist

PERSONAL INFRORMATION 1958 Born in Edirne. 1976 Started his education at the department of Advanced Painting at the State Academy of Fine Arts in İstanbul. 1981 Graduated from Prof. Ressam Özdemir Altan's workshop under the department of Advanced Painting at the State Academy of Fine Arts in İstanbul. 1990 Had significant contributions in the creation of 340 x 900 cm tapestry which Prof. Ressam Zekai Ormancı designed for the Hall of Honour in the Presidential Palace at Çankaya. 1998-2008 Worked on different projects together with Prof. Ressam Zekai Ormancı at his workshop. 2008 - Continues to work on his artistic projects in his own workshop in İstanbul. SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2013 Uzunköprü Kültür ve Sanat Merkezi (Uzunköprü Culture and Art Centre) / Edirne 2014 Valör Resim Galerisi (Valör Art Gallery), Çankaya / Ankara 2014 Valör Resim Galerisi (Valör Art Gallery), Tüyap Uluslararası Sanat Fuarı (Tüyap International Art Fair), İstanbul 2015 Ankara Sanat Fuarı (Ankara Art Fair) 2017 Büyük Kulüp Derneği (Cercle d'Orient) Çiftehavuzlar/Kadıköy/İstanbul 2017 Galeri A (Gallery A), Alsancak/İzmir 2018 Sır Kapısı Resim Sergisi (Sır Kapısı Art Exhibition), Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Galerisi (State Gallery of Fine Arts )/İzmir GROUP EXHIBITIONS 1982 DGSA Öğrencileri 1. Resim - Halı Sergisi (SAFA Students 1st Painting - Tapestry Exhibition), Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Galerisi (State Gallery of Fine Arts) ,Beyoğlu / İstanbul 1982 Günümüz Sanatçıları 3. İstanbul Sergisi (Contemporary Artists 3rd İstanbul Exhibition), İstanbul Resim Heykel Müzesi (İstanbul Painting-Sculpture Museum), Beşiktaş / İstanbul 1988 DYO Resim Sergisi (DYO Painting Exhibition), İstanbul / İzmir / Ankara 1992 Esbank Yunus Emre Resim Sergisi (Esbank Yunus Emre Painting Exhibition) 1993 Capitol Sanat Galerisi Halıresim Sergisi (Capitol Art Gallery Tapestry Exhibition) 2011 DYO Resim Sergisi (DYO Painting Exhibition), İstanbul / İzmir / Ankara / Konya / Bursa / Adana 2011 Contemporary İstanbul Uluslararası Sanat Fuarı (Contemporary İstanbul International Art Fair) 2012 Gallery Abbeye De Neumüster / Lüxemburg 2012 Tüyap Uluslararası Sanat Fuarı (Tüyap International Art Fair). İstanbul 2012 Ekim Geçidi Resim Sergisi / Caddebostan Kültür Merkezi (Ekim Geçidi Painting Exhibition / Caddebostan Culture Centre) 2016 Winter Salon Uluslararası Contemporary Sanat Sergisi (Winter Hall International Contemporary Art Exhibition), Strasbourg / Fransa 2019 Sır Kapısı Resim ve Heykel Sergisi (Sır Kapısı Painting and Sculpture Exhibition) / Atatürk Kültür Merkezi (Atatürk Culture Centre) / İzmir ARTISTIC APPROACH Colors, lighting, lines and the integrity of the shapes determine the structure of my paintings. In my works, I put emphasis on formations of light which reflect through the canvas, command the whole composition and give an impression of digital like visuals. Within the fictive space I’ve created by taking advantage of collage technique, I aim to achieve and irrelevant and aesthetic organic integrity which possesses the aforementioned values. I believe that different overlapping or interwoven shapes, bodies of color and color contrasts give a vibrant dynamism and rhythm to my paintings. I like letting my mind, my eyes and my hands taking me where they please. I create my paintings by taking shapes I found during my researches and reshaping them with a modern artistic style that is detached from all external templates and rid of redundant reality. By arranging colors, lighting and shapes in a certain style, I aim to find the melody of the painting.