George Anthony Bertalan

George Anthony Bertalan

About The Artist

Biography I wish to make my biography in the format of a personal statement rather than the usual statement of factual events in my life. I want to tell you, the reader, my story from my own words so that it will be the most accurate I can make it without sounding distant and detached as if written by another individual. With this being said I want to thank you for having an interest in me and my creations. I love you, even if I have not met you, or even if you do not like or resonate with the things I create, I still love you wherever you are on your journey. As for me, I began creating first with music, the piano. When I was able to stand I would walk up to the piano and play, changing my emotions and environment just by what I would play on the piano, happy sounds, sad sounds, melancholy, turmoil, anxiety, depression, agony, everything, Even at a young age I felt every emotion as strongly as I do to this day and possibly even stronger as it was purer at that time, yet unaffected by the outside world. Throughout my childhood I loved the piano and everything it could do, I embraced it and made it mine. However as with all good things that come naturally it is only a matter of time before the human world soils the delicate beauty that was my connection to the music world. I was introduced to lessons, regimented ways of bisecting and directing music this way and that so as to end up with something that was so cold and isolated that I could no longer understand the beauty in the music. This was the most tragic insult of them all, that a young soul with infinite creative talent could be so suddenly muzzled by the constraints of the ever obsessive and perverse need of humans to label, organize, and file away every single naturally occurring beautiful manifestation that they encounter to such a degree of excess that it literally removes any chance for a sentient child to possibly enjoy and single note of any piece of music. Rules and exercises were the most important thing instead of just letting me create and letting my already dextrous fingers fly freely on the piano I was asked to repeatedly perform tongue twisters of the fingers just to prove I was an ardent and studious boy. Never the less I still managed to explore the creative aspects of music but it was now always sullied by the thought that music should have to sound a certain way because this is what I was told it should sound like. For the sake brevity I will now fast forward to the present time, 2021. I have lived a complicated life, I attained a degree in piano performance from the Cleveland Institute of Music, but then went on to pursue medicine and ultimately became an Internal Medicine Physician with a specialization in Palliative Care and Hospice. It was not until the year 2020 that I was finally struck upon the head by destiny that I was sent from my new life as a physician to a place of an utter psychiatric meltdown that required me to stop, look in the mirror, and begin to figure out who exactly I was. I traveled for a month to a therapist in Florida who encouraged me to try my hand at painting which I was very much reluctant to oblige given my a-fixed steadfast belief that I was no more capable of drawing a proper circle let alone anything of creative free flowing beauty. However when I did actually attempt to paint something with acrylic it turned out to the be a very beautiful plant type thing on a small scratch pad of paper from CVS. I sent the image off to friends who said it was beautiful and I immediately fell on my knees and thanked God for finally giving me a voice and a way to communicate myself to the world. Since that day, a little more than one year ago now as I write this, I have begun to understand my abilities to convey the unconveyable through my art to the world and finally say what has been in my heart all along since every birth I have ever had. So now you see, here are my paintings, ever evolving and changing depending on, and resultant of, the environment and space in time in which I have the freedom to put paint on canvas. My only objective is to convey, through my art, that which is in me, to resonate within you, so that we may all remember that we are not alone on this journey, and that all the emotions, experiences, pains, sorrows, joys, and love we feel are not isolated to ourselves but in fact exist to show us that we are meant to hold each other close together. So with this said, I hope that you are able to feel the love that I project through my art and see, feel, and experience the love that I have for each and every one of you. I love you all, no matter who, or what you think you are, I love you, that will never change or stop. This is my biography. Thank you for taking the time to read these lines.