Ralph Hübschmann

Ralph Hübschmann

About The Artist

To create art in the style of timeless, sensual sculptures with high aesthetic appeal and to direct the focus on my own fingerprint - this is my artistic claim. To sensitize the material and the viewer in high quality, to aspire after aesthetic form- language, to create core values and to search for the perfect aesthetic line are basic requirements. Connecting dynamic alignment, symmetry, asymmetry und harmony cause an exciting dialogue. My concern is the creation of sculptures, which get their distinctive look through their form-language, extreme surface treatment and fusion with other materials, for example amber, metal alloy, agate slices, Phosphorescence and wood stain Homepage: https://www.extravaganz-in-holz.de/ Mail: mail@extravaganz-in-holz.de International Art Fair: 2022 ... Beijing / Art Beijing Art Fair 2021 ... Beijing / Art Beijing Art Fair 2017 ... Shanghai / 21. Kunstmesse Shanghai 2014 ... New York / USA scobe contemporary art show 2013 ... Beijing / China / Art Beijing Contemporary Art Fair 2012 ... Shanghai / China / 16th Shanghai Art Fair 2012 ...Art Beijing/China ·Contemporary Art Fair 2012 ... Art Madrid/Spain · Contemporary Art Fair 2011 ... Shanghai/China · Contemporary Art Fair 2010 ... Istanbul / Turkey Contemporary Art Fair 2009 ... Florence / Italy 7. International Biennale 2008 ... Salzburg / Austria 11. International Art Fair International Exhibitions: 2023 ... Peking / China / Songzhuang Contemporary Archive Museum / Gemeinschaftsausstellung 2022 ... Chongqing / China /nHong Art Museum 2019 ... MoCa Peijing / China 2017 ... MoCa Peijing / China 2018 ... Shanghai / China / Pashmin Art Gallery 2017 ... Shanghai / China / Pashmin Art Gallery Nationale Ausstellungen 2023 ... Hamburg / Pashmin Art Gallery / Gemeinschaftsausstellung 2023 ... Bad Tölz / Gemeinschaftsausstellung 2021 ... Hamburg / Pashmin Art Gallery / "Figuratum durch Abstractum" / Gruppenausstellung 2010 ... Brussels / Belgium European Union 2010 ... Brienz / Swizerland Swiss wooden museum 2006 ... France / Germany Scheibenhardt 2001 ... Zürich / Switzerland UBS