Alessia Brozzeti

Alessia Brozzeti

About The Artist

Alessia Brozzetti was born in Udine on June 28, 1978. In 1997 she obtained a diploma in Applied Arts at the Istituto Statale d'Arte “Giovanni Sello”, and then she went to University in Udine where she graduated in Educational Sciences – Multimedia Audio-visual Technician in 2001. Now she works as a web designer. Over the years she has been engaged in illustration and pictorial works and activities in the field of art, which have led her to focus on the elaboration of the eastern female figure in the western society and culture. Japanese colours and icons of the new millennium to represent the harmony and the visual pleasure of forms and matter, without forgetting to briefly digress on today’s moral principles, in a consumer - and maybe…consumed - society. Because the canned meat of the modern food industry is a product which should be avoided. The temptations of the flesh are everywhere around us, but who is able to avoid them? We live in a big supermarket of life which selects us, encodes us and distributes us, for immediate consumption. Yum, yum!!!