Emel Karakozak

Emel Karakozak

About The Artist

Emel Karakozak was born in Mut/Turkey in 1974. Her adventure in photography was started in high school years and later was matured who participated in many group exhibitions, received awards in various national and international competitions and also was jury member in many photography competitions. Living in Adana, she is the first woman in Turkey who has EFIAP/g title and who opened first personal exhibition ‘Lotus’ in 2010 in Adana Sabancı Fine Art Gallery. She opened her second personal exhibition opened in Istanbul Artgalerim. She also worked in 2012 Art Bosphorus Contemporary Art Fair, 2011 Contemporary Istanbul Contemporary Art Fair, 2011 Art Bosphorus Contemporary Art Fair. Her works were took place in Hacettepe Art Museum and BAKSI Art Museum and also in London Saatci Gallery and in Romantic Bad Rehburg Museum and in Steyerberger Rathaus Vittebsk/Belarus Center for Contemporary Art , Cultural Center of the Divina and Museum of Kreises. She worked at Artgalerim Nişantası Art Gallery as a photograhp artist for 3 years and she contunies her carrieer as photograph artist at Artgalerim Bebek Art Gallery and Lust Auf Kunst Art Gallery. She works as a federation delegate and federation in TFSF (Turkish Federation of Photographic Art). ‘Visuallity is my predominant side… I have been used photo language and I love this phrase. Maybe it does not contain letters, brushes and hammer blows but it has a scene and fiction in its own world… Everything is aimed to understand the whole. Life and death which described at the same time in my bipolar photography is integrity and continuity formed by a continuous chain example of my hybrid expression.’