Don Johnston

Don Johnston

About The Artist

Don Johnston is a self-taught natural history photographer. He has a degree in Biological Sciences and taught high school biology, retiring after nearly thirty years. Don has been pursuing nature and landscape photography for more than twenty five years. He has travelled and photographed extensively throughout North America and has studied with such notable nature photographers as John Shaw, Freeman Patterson and Tim Fitzharris. This award winning nature photographer currently lives in Lively, Ontario with his wife Brenda and son Matthew. His extensive file includes stunning wildlife, plant, landscape and photo-impressionist images from locales as near as his backyard and as far as British Columbia and western USA. His website has been recently revamped to include a searchable file of over 10000 images and is constantly growing. He is now blogging at Don was the 1995 grand prize winner of the Sierra Photo Contest. Recently Don won second prize (Baby Animals, pro division) in the National Wildlife 2011 Photo Contest that drew 27000 entries worldwide He is widely published in various print media including magazines such as National Wildlife, Nature Canada and Canadian Wildlife. His images have appeared in calendars such as National Geographic, World Wildlife Fund, Audubon and Harrowsmith. Along with noted Canadian photographer Mike Grandmaison, Don produced photos for Sudbury's 'Healing the Landscape' a coffee table book celebrating Sudbury's re-greening. His prints hang in private collections in Sudbury and as far abroad as Atlanta. In 2010 Don self-published a coffee-table book of his nature photographs Close to Home. Don is a member of PPOC (Ontario) and NPS. He uses Nikon cameras and lenses. Recently his images appeared in a TV commercial for the Nikon D3100 and in print for Nikon binoculars.