Tansy is an Artist

Tansy Roake

Creatively I have always been drawn to the abnormal in the ordinary. Through my belief that everything has an innate and intrinsic beauty, I take things that are usually overlooked, and use them to create something beautiful. I craft fantastical things from the mundane. Also, I paint with a focus on using minimal colour for maximum effect. I have a keen interest in the science of materials which transmogrifies into my work as constant experimentations in the interactions of different media. In addition to my paintings and sculptures, I love creating large-scale, interactive, installation works and performance pieces. I’m fascinated by the apparent lack of control we have over our own bodies and have explored this concept through action works looking at testing my personal limits and seeing if I can overcome my natural reactions and barriers. More recently I’ve been developing my ‘Soundscape’ series, paintings born from the spectrum created by different sounds. The QR codes on my pieces will take you to the sounds which have determined the shape and inspired the style of each piece.