Anderson Perin

Anderson Perin

About The Artist

Born in Pato Branco/Paraná, Brazil in 1976, he now resides in Joinville/Santa Catarina, Brazil. Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism at The Tuiuti University of Paraná, Curitiba/Paraná, in 2004. During the course, the Classes of History of the Arts favored contact with the works of some artists who, along with Friederich Nietzsche's philosophical thought, influence their artistic expression. He worked as an architect until 2022 when, after 14 years in a real estate development company, he had professional exhaustion. It is self-taught in the world of painting. He began his career in August 2021, during a personal crisis. His works seek to represent human feelings, not only those of the artist, but of everyone, which is done through an abstract representation.