Barbara Crimella

Barbara Crimella

About The Artist

Barbara Crimella born in Rho, Province of Milan in 1973. The charm of the third dimension and construction are for her, the possibility to try manually the realization of her inner emotions. There are several creative ways through which Barbara realizes her sculptures, a form related to the work on the body, having been fascinated in her studies by the work of Body Art, by Gina Pane to Cindy Sherman, Louise Bourgeois, for which she made after a careful inner analysis, a series of sculptures made in silicone capable of representing the skin of the body. Il guiding principle is to use the same body as the highest expression for creating artistic representations. The body alone must be able to externalize the inner world, the anguish and pain but also the joy to be pregnent The body becomes the mirror of the soul. Iron is another material with which Barbara realizes figures with names reminiscent of virgin land. The tall, slender sculpture in rusted iron , are another form of sculpture through which the artist approaches the nature of the pure feeling, to the search of the interior.