by Jasper

Artwork Description


46.0 x 63.0 cm

The story of the painting is that as a child I was treated harshly by a tyrannical father, to be scared and quiet, no matter what I said or did it was not good enough, and got scolded, to get a firm belief that you have to be careful what you say and do otherwise something unpleasant will happen, I didn't understand it, and my life because no one was loving, protective and told me about it. As a child at first I got very angry at him, threw stones at things and against a window, he grabbed me hard into a room, and he want me to take off my belt to hit me, I was very scared, sad and would not take it off, after which he finally left, that and other episodes gave me a firm faith and became afraid and quiet of him and others. The purpose I never knew, only after 45 years someone told me that I was not allowed to be with women as I most of all wanted. Life has been difficult, frustrating and anxious with a mental illness when it has to be perfect, and my way through life has therefore been without love and less with women, usually without anxiety I am sociable, happy and loving, but with it I was bullied, ignored and rejected, I had to change, and became sociable, fearless and funny but inside terribly scared, it was hard, and suffered severe depression later in life. Therefore, I have painted an Indian who is calm, with them with or without love I would be free, myself and happy, because they lived calmly, simply, humbly and peacefully, and were therefore tolerant, relaxed, kind and calm, and the keyword love is important it means with love I would have been free, myself, loving and being more with women and happy. Peace, Love & Harmony.

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Other

Genre: Expressionism