About The Artist

Burhan YILMAZ was born in 1981, in Silifke, Türkiye. Graduated from Mustafa Kemal University, Faculty of Education, Department of Art Education, 2005. 2009, Courses in fine arts at Ecole Regionale Superiore d’Expression de Plastique, in Tourcoing, Lille- France. 2010, graduated from Master Program of Painting Division in Institute of Fine Arts of Mersin University. 2014, Graduated from PhD. Program of Painting Division in Institute of Fine Arts of Gazi University. He is working as faculty member in Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, Duzce University. He had two solo exhibitions and participated in many group exhibitions, festivals and symposiums. Some attended exhibitions are below: 2018: XX. Cerveira Art Biennial, Vila de Cerveira, Portugal 2018: Selected Artist in Osten Biennial of Drawing, Skopje, Macedonia 2018: IVA-International Visual Arts Festival, Tahran, Iran 2018: Elektro Arts Festival, Cluj-Napoca Art and Design University, Romania 2017:ICAS-International Contemporary Art Show, International Culture and Art Dialogue Assembly, İzmir, Turkey 2017: Istanbul Rotary Art Competition, Exhibition, Elgiz Museum, Istanbul, Turkey 2016: Oart Art Competition, Odeabank Art Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey 2016: “Traces of Don Quixote” International Group Exhibition, Contemporary Art Gallery, Ankara, Turkey 2015: “20. Small T” Group Exhibition, Hobi Art Gallery, İstanbul. 2015. 16 International Art Festival, “Second Nature” Juried Exhibition. METU, KKM. Gallery, Ankara, Turkey 2014: “Mash Up” Group Exhibition, Islip Art Museum, New York, USA 2014: 8. Biennial of Miniature Art, Czecstechowa, Polonya 2014- 15. DFEWA. International East/West Artist “Contemporary Art Symposium” Carei, Satu Mare, Romania 2013- FGM International Contemporary Art Symposium, Islip Art Museum, New York, USA 2013- International Group Exhibition, Briarcliff College Art Gallery, New York, USA 2013- “International Zervas Art Symposium” Agora, Patras, Greece 2013- “Shanti Ra Sadhbhav” International Group Exhibition, Nepal Art Council, Kathmandu, NEPAL.