About The Artist

Faith paints in various styles including, realism, abstract, landscape and a collection of combinations that, despite their distinctiveness, share the commonality of depth. More often than not, the viewer is compelled to reach out and touch the paintings as the mind is fascinated and curious at being unable to process, visually alone, the intense depth and elegance of her art. Faith was born in 1960 and grew up in Houston, Texas. In her late teens she became the first female disc jockey (Bunny Taylor) at the top station in Houston, KRBE-FM. According to Faith, being on the air was an ‘outlet’ for her creative spirit. It was several years later, shortly before her move to California, when Faith fell, head over heals, in love with painting. Never having had an art lesson, Faith taught herself while painting murals for 14 years. The nearly 2,000 murals Faith created both, residentially and commercially, rewarded her with her own style and techniques that she now methodically translates to canvas. Each work of art is an expression of Faith’s experiences, inspirations and ideals. The layered and textured surfaces of Faith’s Abstracts are painstakingly achieved by meticulously layering paint that is often scraped away revealing pigment beneath. Her natural ‘eye’ for color, tonality and her awareness of connection enables her to express intense attitude while remaining true to her intuition and grace. Faith’s ongoing ‘Suspended Life’ series is a collection of intriguing paintings inspired by her respect of the Still Life paintings of the Dutch Flemish style painters. In this series Faith is notably generous with her attention to detail and offers her subject suspended by a string as though ‘life’ (still, suspended or otherwise) is in the balance and must be fully appreciated before indulging in its beauty or complexity. Although the textures of these paintings are not layered, as Faith’s abstracts, the depth thrives within the highlights and shadows and is captivating to the eye and mind. Faith has an impressive way of creating paintings on canvas that enable abstract and realism not only to cohabit beautifully but also to celebrate the chemistry between the two modes. Her “Wine Lovers” series does just that, thus uniquely inviting and engaging the viewer in to two worlds simultaneously. It is apparent that Faith’s balance and skill are deeply involved in the complexity and assemblage of opposing styles. The twisting vines and the effects of light, or suggested reflected light from the abstract, are a treat to your eye until you are unknowingly, yet pleasantly, distracted into the rich colors and layers of the abstract that lies beneath. This series proves to be chaotic, strong and true to her instinctive sense of depth in a most fulfilling display. Among the artists who have influenced Faith are first and foremost the Old Masters, she considers them her ‘first loves’. Faith holds the utmost respect and admiration for Clyfford Still, Lee Krasner, Mark Rothko and Edward Hopper to name a few. Faiths works have been exhibited nationally and are in private and corporate collections. She lives and paints in Pasadena, California.