About The Artist

ARTISTIC APPROACH Amazed by the cycles of nature, I have always been interested in its metamorphosis and its sin- gular beauty. I started my work in photography with the human life cycle. In 1998 I finished my training at the Ecole de Photographie de Vevey producing a series of photographs of deceased people; this work, Passage, was carried out in the greatest respect and through the kindness of a nursing home, unique in Switzerland by its quality in palliative care. I was then drawn by the resemblance between the cycles of human life and those of nature. Over the course of more than ten years, I have achieved several photographic series on the growth of plants starting from their seeds. It is in Japan, in 2010, that these series took off, during an exhibition created after an invitation from the Spiral Art Center of Tokyo. This made me realize how my interest in looking for multiple re- presentations of those seeds’ life cycle reflected my desire to contribute to reconnect people to their natural environment.