Sherrill Bentley

Sherrill Bentley


I am from Northland, NZ of Te Rarawa decent. Creativity has always been my passion since my grandmother taught me traditional Maori handcrafts as a child. I started painting over 20 years ago while living overseas and became friends with an artist who gave me private painting lessons. A new passion emerged and I have been painting ever since. I now live in Auckland and work from my home studio. My art feeds my soul and helps me escape from the world. My style incorporates my love of abstract patterns, bold colours and Maori themes. My work is shown in collaborative exhibitions around NZ and some of my paintings have made their way into overseas collections. My current work explores my heritage and spirituality. I love working with blues and purples which for me represent the spiritual side of our being, the dream world and unseen. I am fascinated by Maori mythology and spirituality, and enjoy incorporating these themes into my work.