Goksin Carey

Goksin Carey

About The Artist

Ms. Carey is an associate member of National Sculptor Society NSS and is certified through American Academy of Equine Art, Kentucky in 2009. Her art displays at the National Sculptor Society,Turkish Cultural Foundation and Saatchi online's websites. She teaches Equine Sculpture at Artists in Middleburg AIM Gallery, Middleburg, VA since 2014. Her workshop website is www.sculptinghorses.com Yet she started as a self-taught artist whose love of nature and animals, especially horses find a voice in her hands as sculpture. She explains her very early memories and emotional connection with the horses: " I see their soul as a bridge connecting with nature. I used to watch horses for hours, at their own habitat how they act and merge in nature with their elegant and powerful structure, each sight was a precious moment. Their movement and spirit find their balance in my sculptures and the unison between the horse and the human is very complementary. There is also a visual connection that must reach the soul as they communicate and find a peace of togetherness. My art is a continuous search to connect with my subject.