John Sargeant

John Sargeant

About The Artist

John has been painting in watercolour from 2002 and oil paint from 2005. His oeuvre is on John's style is intentionally eclectic ranging from highly detailed watercolour covering subjects from figurative, to old character buildings, to nature and various abstracts along the way. John transfers from watercolour to oils to maintain a sense of eclecticism in his style as well as subject matter. He enjoys the ‘forgiveness’ of oil paint but when he has had enough of the turpentine and high energy necessary to paint in oils, he moves back to the containment and cleanliness of watercolour where he can ‘come and go’ as time dictates. Reluctant to take on commissions, John’s focus is on varied subject matter from around New Zealand. Equally as reticent to be pushed into having a 'favourite' style and artists he admits to being continually drawn to German Expressionism listing Otto Mueller as one of his favoured artists with 'Two Sisters' as the one painting he would like to own. John remains with the German theme listing Tina Berning as a more contemporary favourite. John attributes Tina Berning's works to being the inspiration behind his personal project of completing 100 pastel portraits. John believes that when looking at a painting, it is not a matter of whether you like it or not but what it does to you and whether it changes the way you look at the world. He will also argue that is not important as to whether you understand the intent of the artist as much as how the work affects you and whether you like the work or not, it will still alter you as you will form an opinion which you did not have prior, so therefore you are changed to a greater or lesser degree. John is able to be contacted by email or telephone on +64 00 06 278 1267. For New Zealand time click here. For international time zones, click here. His complete work is offered on this site for your interest and John welcomes any comments.