Andrzej Farfulowski

Andrzej Farfulowski

About The Artist

Andrzej Farfulowski. Born in Warsaw(Poland) in 04.06.1980 I've never had any art education because I was afraid that I can loose more than gain. I've also never had any idea, concept or plan for my work. Everything what I was doing was coming to me naturally. From early childhood I was painting mainly portraits by using mediums which were available to me at the particular moment. My first spray paint I bought to paint furnitures in my room. I found this medium very interesting and from that moment on it completly dominated all my work.To my work I've got the same attitude like I have to my whole life. By my own studies I'm learning about myself, trying to trust myself, to live more consciously and without fear..I don't know where I go and what I will be doing.. Whatever it is going to be I just want it to be true..Recently I started using homeless people as my models. Sadness,tiredness, pain of loneliness which in my opinion are very visible in faces of people from so called social margin are something what I feel, what I understand, what I'm looking for in my models and what I'm finally trying to show in my paintings..