Milko Marchetti -

Milko Marchetti -

About The Artist

He was born in Ferrara on June 10th, 1968. Naturalist and Photographer, he cooperates with the Provincial Administration of Ferrara for the fauna censuses, with the Turismo of Ferrara, the Natural History Museum, with the Consortium Po Delta Park, Delta2000. He’s a Photographic collaborator of the Emilia Romagna region and of some italian magazine: FOTOCULT, OASIS, AGRICOLTURA, GREETIME. He has pubblications of photos (covers and inlands) on : BELL'ITALIA, BELL'EUROPA, GENTEVIAGGI, MERIDIANI, FOCUS , I Viaggi di REPUBBLICA, AMICI DI CASA, PESCASPORT, ITINERARI TRAVEL, Cataloghi ALPITOUR, ASFERICO, DOVE, PIEMONTE PARCHI, QUI TOURING, TUTTOCITTA’ of main italian cities, various pubblications of CALDERINI-EDAGRICOLE, TOURING, and GIUNTI. He’s partner: FIAF (Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche), AFNI (Associazione fotografi naturalisti italiani), AIRF (Associazione italiana reporter fotografi), FIOF (Fondo Internazionale Orvieto Fotografia). FEP (Federation of European Professional Photographers) For the seventh time he is, within the 16 Nature Photographers selected, to rapresent Italy and winner of Nature Word Cup. On 4 May 2007 he has received the decoration AFI (ITALIAN PHOTOGRAPHY ARTIST) On 4 April 2008 he has received the Professional Qualification QIP (QUALIFY ITALIAN PHOTOGRAPHER) First Photographer to get it in Wildlife section. On 28 November 2010 he has received the Professional Qualification QEP (QUALIFY EUROPEAN PHOTOGRAPHER) First Italian Photographer to get it in Wildlife section.