Warships to Friendships
Gavin Mayhew
AUGUST 11, 2014
Check out my summer exhibition at the Hartlepool Art Gallery. I am sharing a massive space with a German artist Dieter Löchle at a brilliant art gallery in Hartlepool. The exhibition runs until 30th August and is well worth a visit. It partly commemorates the bombing of Hartlepool by a German battleship 100 years ago, but is also a reconcilliation celebration as illustrated by mine and Dieter's long standing friendship and artistic collaboration that goes back over 20 years.
art demo
Gavin Mayhew
MAY 30, 2012
Hi. I was recently spotted via my website and was asked if I was interested in on-line art tuition. Cor blimey, yes. So I went to Liverpool for a screen test and it went so well that I was paid straight away for an actual art demo. The demo was depicting movement in art as can be seen by my paintings and drawings at www.artist-gavinmayhew.co.uk I had a brill day and learned a lot about working in a video studio environment. I have been asked back to ddo 4 more vids so IU will keep you posted as well as supply info on how to access the vids when they are launched. Gavin
Gavin Mayhew in collaborative exhibition. Brussels
Gavin Mayhew
MAY 19, 2011