About The Artist

The genesis of my art comes from my dreams and my subconscious with a basis in spiritual beliefs and Jungian psychological connections. In more technical terms, I am drawn to asymmetrical forms and the energy and power provoked from the contrast of light, depth and color. I paint by building up thick layers of pigment with a palette knife to more effectively achieve special color effects. A raised surface is important in my paintings to convey feelings and contribute a three-dimensional effect to the overall piece. My finished pieces contain meandering strokes, thick with color and texture. I paint in episodes, each work expressing a moment; each canvas a spiritual sequence, like dreams linked in our subconscious by ethereal themes or meanings. We do not get all the information on how to live our everyday lives in just one dream. They come in short, little bursts like thunderstorms. Just like storms, dreams have patterns if we piece them together. My figurative work focuses on women, and our obsessions with beauty. In my Beauty series I’m telling stories about the misunderstandings that occur in our society, when people assume beautiful people are perfect and expected to have all the answers to most questions. In other words they are always being annoyed or pestered because of their appearance. A person sees a pretty lady and decides "Hey let's ask her.” This continual pressure creates conflict, which I try to depict. As an artist I try to tell these stories through the tools at my disposal using paint, mixed media, collage and the use of light and color. That is the heart and soul of my work.