Dick Bobnick

This gallery represents the photo realistic work of American illustrator and portrait artist, Dick Bobnick, a multi award winning illustrator whose career spans over forty years right up to the present day. Dick has created illustrations for a multitude of regional and national corporations, advertising agencies and publishers of books, magazines and the publishers of collectibles. The paintings featured here demonstrate his versatility in the subjects of entertainment, history, sports, religion and figurative piniups. His forte has always been slick renditions of famous actors, musical giants. sports heroes, historical and religious icons as well as glamorous portraits of classic actresses and figurative pinups. Most of these paintings shown were specially commissioned and several were created for personal private clients as well as promotional paintings for Dick's studio. His work has been honored with many national and international art awards Dick's complete biography can be found on his official website, www.dickbobnick.com. Fine art prints of most of his work can be found at his official print site, www.dick-bobnick.pixels.com. Most of Dick's paintings are for sale. Contact his Email address, bobnick38@yahoo.com or by phone, (952) 890 - 6984.