About The Artist

Marco Valente VirValens is a designer, a theorist and an artist: a trio that leads him to be interested to the idea of contamination, ie possibility of a dialogue between the conceptual systems of the various disciplines through an exchange and the experimentation of the various means by which they manifest. The paintings on display here, fully respond to the need to connect theory and practice, because come from a stylistic research on the concepts of sampling, digitization of forms, and the randomness of configurations generated by the 3D modeling software. Starting from the sample of elements, symbols, signs that are shaped and transformed through the instruments and their characteristic three-dimensional modelers, the artist juxtaposes forms through the operations of addition and subtraction, integration and disruption. In this way, the file can be transformed into a work of art: a sequence of numbers that contains all the necessary parameters to define, refine and then determine the intellectual property of the artist who created the work. This creative process can transform the file into multiple, ever-changing events of the original matrix.