Nikolay Marinov

Nikolay Marinov

About The Artist

Nikolay Marinov 1966 - Born on December 27-th in Plovdiv, Bulgaria 1997 - Graduated from National Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria, Faculty of Painting 1985 - Graduated “Tz.Lavrenov” High School of Fine Arts, Plovdiv, Bulgaria since 1997- Member of Union of Bulgarian Artists, section Painting 2009 - PhD in art history, Doctor disertation - 'Develpoing of idea of 'Children art' of the end of XX-th century - National Academy of Arts, Sofia since 2009 - teacher in National Academy of Arts, Sofia, Discipline: 'Special Art Methodology for Gifted Children' One-man Exhibitions: 1993 - Gallery Starinna, Old town of Plovdiv 1997 - Gallery Melon, Sofia 2000 - Gallery Nataly, Sofia 2001 - Gallery Bovjel, Plovdiv 2003 - Gallery Art 36, Sofia 2006 - Gallery Seasons, Sofia 2010 - Gallery Art 36, Sofia 2013 - Gallery Sofia Press, Sofia Symposiums and group exhibitions: 1994 – Nyborg, Danmark - participation in S.O.F.A. Artevent – Nyborg’94 2003 – Island Samotrace, Greece - participation in IV Interbalkanic symposium 2004 - 'Far from yesterday' - TZ Gallery, Chicago, USA