Vanessa Aves

Vanessa Aves

About The Artist

My style of art is contemporary American abstract painting. I have been displayed in New York, Vienna, Philadelphia and Denver. I went to Metropolitan State University of Denver to receive my BFA and I just achieved my MFA from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA). Over my time at PAFA, I created an autobiography titled Pendulum about what it is to have manic-depression through the eyes of a fine artist. The book includes a wide array of materials – from oil to charcoal – and each page is its own fully realized artwork. My mission was to show that mental illness is not some blessing that artists have, but something that has affected every facet of my life detrimentally. By the end of the book I discuss medication and the importance of therapy and end with the hope that everyone can live fully productive and happy lives. After this deeply personal undertaking, I went back to the basics and began to explore the design elements of color and movement. Using ink on a plastic sheet of paper, watercolor and ink play and chase one another around the surface to make unexpected abstractions. Looking deeper into the lighter aspects of my personality has been a fun and liberating experience. These abstracts to an extent, all artists are tortures by our gift and drive to create what is in our souls. I am continuously delightfully surprised by what I find.