About The Artist

nnovate contemporary art | kellyann gilson lyman Telephone 415.412.4959 kellyannart@mac.com BIOGRAPHY Kellyann Gilson Lyman contemporary abstract artist. Performance related art productions with intrigues of colorists abstracts, iconic gamine abstractions + positive type driven printwork on maps+ephemera . She received her B.A. at the University of California Los Angeles in Sociology and studied visual communications + graphic arts & design at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Since her emergence, Kellyann Gilson has blended the concerns and methods of abstract, conceptual, appropriation art with photography & humanity to create her own unique iconography, uplifting and always engaging. Kellyann’s large scale conceptual abstract collections, reflect positively on the character of humanity. The context of kellyannart.com's annual collections is modern culture through a rubric of creative research. Since her first solo show, Kellyann has exhibited in international group & solo exhibitions, articulating her vision of large scale work in public art spaces. She studies the spaces & the works in the Museum of Modern Art and the Musee d'Art Moderne de La Ville de Paris. Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain in Paris & lastly the Tate modern.