Traude Fuchs

Traude Fuchs

About The Artist

My Vitae I live and paint in my hometown Willstaett - Eckartsweier . Due to a serious illness incapacitated , I first began to paint in 2008 as therapy. The artist Andreas Schubert read to see me often . "I want ... " so was formed in October 2008, my first work in acrylics - mixed media. A flavor profile in which I worked with ground coffee . Sunsets and winter landscapes , different - and yet they have one thing in common : my love of nature. Bright colors that express the love for life , my identification were. In my collages I show an ironic way the often exaggerated consumer world , thinking and striving for more and more prestige and money. Quite different result my works "Visions - Abstract " . You make yourself completely out of the feelings out while I paint or work with spatula. And every now and again there is a new act .. Together with Andreas Schubert I realize the project " Tears of .. " A very special series of images whose current issues affecting us all . Since 2012 I am member of the Badische Kunstverein Karlsruhe. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Individual and group exhibitions : 2010 - Cultural and Museum Centre Castle Glatt Glatt, - Opening of Andis - Artgalerie , - Arts and Culture weekend sand, 2011 - Ortenau Hospital Oberkirch, - City Library Kehl, - Nomination for the Istanbul Biennial 2012 - International exhibition in the Old Turkish Baden- Baden - Gallery Gold in Kalkuta - India - Art show " Antique and Art" in Sindelfingen ( finals at the Art Award - Administrative Court of Stuttgart, finalist of Syrlin Art Prize - International Art Exhibition in Losheim - Online - Exhibition , Le CEPAL (European Centre for the Development of Arts and Literature ) 2013 - Internat. Art Exhibition F - Illzach - Internat. Art Exhibition in Baden- Baden - Willstaett Creative - Arts and Culture Week of Sand 2014 - Art Messe Sindelfingen , finalist of Syrlin Art Prize 2014 - District Court of Stuttgart " - Exhibition in Kerala / India with other artists from Germany and India - Gallery Gold Kalkuta / India - Hospital Gallary Kerala Awards: - 2012, Final round at Syrlin Art Prize - 2012/2013 Special Mention of Le CEPAL France - 2013 Nominated for the Palm Art Award 2013 - 2013 Nominates for the art prize of the gallery Rybakov in Moscow - 2013 admission as a permanent artist on the homepage - Dr. Manas Roy, India (roymansart) - 2014 Nominated for the Palm Art Award 2014 - 2014 Certificate of Honor - Artavita - 2014 Certificate of Excellence - Artavita