by Aziz Anzabi

Artwork Description

The puppetry

0.0 x 0.0

part of his series "insignificant" , the puppetry illustrates that power is an illusion of safety, where some with superior power enjoy committing unjust acts, to boast their authority without considering the consequences. However, Anzabi demonstrates that despite the king believing he is enjoying power without consequences, he is slowly killing himself. This is effectively demonstrated through the king being trapped in a glass container, highlighting that while power gives authority, it also creates inequality and distance. Furthermore, the deaths and the lives affected by the king, seemingly insignificant slowly taint his reputation and corrupt him which is shown through the spreading of the red ink in his container, ultimately leading to his downfall due to his Hamartia. Iranian surrealism contemporary art Oil on canvas 102 x 66 cm

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Oil

Genre: Surrealism