Claudia Vialaret

Claudia Vialaret

About The Artist

Recent Exhibitions: 2013 : Personal exhibition «Caravagesques» Art gallery « L’atelier blanc », Villefranche de Rouergue Personal exhibition «Caravagesques» Gallery Imaginéo, Paris 2012 : « Coup de cœur » Azart photographie » « Je & un autre » Month of photo-off, Paris (coll.) « Oui Body ! » Gallery La Ralentie, Paris (coll.) Art Paris, Art fair Galerie Taiss. Grand Palais, Paris 2011 : Chic Art Fair, City of fashion and design, Paris! " Take the fold" Personal exhibition, Art gallery Icare Issy-les-Moulineaux. 2010 : Galerie Dialogos, Paris International photograph art fair, Nancy Training: Professor of Fine art Born in Nice. Works and lives in Paris France