About The Artist

Melineh’s passion for art began at an early age as she experimented with different forms of art. Soon it was quite clear to those around her that she was gifted. When she started painting and studying art she had a very strong imagination even as a child and could depict stories of her own. During her years painting as a young girl and wanting to learn form, texture and color she attended private art courses with the famous Persian master painter and art expert (Javadipoor) in Tehran Iran, it was there, where Javadipoor discovered her unique ability to create, and began training her. After graduating from high school, Melineh attended one of Tehran’s finest universities, The Azad University of Art and Architecture, where she studied Graphic design. It was during and after this period that she worked as a graphic designer, while she continued to paint in her spare time. Inspired by great masters like Salvador Dali and other surreal artists, Melineh began experimenting and creating her own individualized style and technique of painting. Melineh’s passion for music is often seen in her art, as she believes everything is in motion and change is inevitable, as is exhibited in her artwork. She feels that painting is the best way she can express herself, as her artwork is a bridge to the connection, between her and her fellow human beings. Melineh’s art is part of a larger movement toward traditionalism and spiritualism. She believes art has the power to transform and uplift the human spirit. And when people experience a physical (sight), emotional (spiritual), and intellectual (message) transformation through her art, they are inspired to take the steps necessary for their own transformation. Her recent works reflect celebration of life, love, and being protected by guardian angles, she believes that her art should bring joy, happiness, and protection to each individual that makes that deep connection with her art.