About The Artist

I have been exhibited both nationally and internationally. My work has been published in books, catalogues and monographs including “In Their Mothers’ Eyes”, “Sacred Connections, Stories of Adoption”, A Gate Unfastened, Mothers and Daughters. Periodicals such as Mamm, MS, Smithsonian Magazine and New York Times Review featured my work. I am a recipient of an Artist Fellowship Award and the Catalogue Project Award from the New York Foundation for the Arts for “A Gate Unfastened”. I have received the Annenberg Medical Arts Award for “When Death Comes” and I have been a fellow at Yadoo and The MacDowell Artist Colonies. Most recently I was invited to participate in Art Cart, Saving the Legacy, an intergenerational art project sponsored by Columbia University and NYU, culminating with an exhibition. This important program connects aging professional artists with teams of graduate students to undertake the preparation and documentation of their creative work, to preserve our cultural legacy. Please visit www.nikiberg.com.