Energi Seni Art Exhibition

talentaorganizer talentaorganizer

AUGUST 03, 2018

“Energy of Art” exhibition will showcase the finest works of 18 artists across Indonesia in Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta (Function Hall, 2nd floor) on 11-19 August 2018 These participants comes from different genre and generation like Djoko Pekik (1938), Heri Dono (1960), Putu Sutawijaya (1970), Erica (1971), Indra Dodi (1980), Umbu Tanggela (1956) and his son Rato Tanggela (1990)

“Energy of Art” exhibition

talentaorganizer talentaorganizer

JULY 11, 2018

“Energy of Art” exhibition will showcase the finest works of 18 artists across Indonesia in Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta (Function Hall, 2nd floor) on 11-19 August 2018 These participants comes from different genre and generation like Djoko Pekik (1938), Heri Dono (1960), Putu Sutawijaya (1970), Erica (1971), Indra Dodi (1980), Umbu Tanggela (1956) and his son Rato Tanggela (1990)

Menjadi Indonesia,art exhibition

talentaorganizer talentaorganizer

AUGUST 20, 2017

Pameran Seni Rupa “Menjadi Indonesia” Terbuka untuk umum 17 - 27 Agustus 201 Function Hall Plaza Indonesia Lantai 2 Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.28-30, Jakarta

Indonesia petrified wood sculpture

talentaorganizer talentaorganizer

MAY 09, 2017

Indonesia is rich with fossil stone specially in banten, west java. This natural petrified wood were made into an exotic art by indonesian artist Petrified wood is a fossil. It forms when plant material is buried by sediment and protected from decay by oxygen and organisms. Then, groundwater rich in dissolved solids flows through the sediment replacing the original plant material with silica, calcite, pyrite or another inorganic material such as opal. The result is a fossil of the original woody material that often exhibits preserved details of the bark, wood and cellular structures.