Susie Olczak

Susie Olczak

About The Artist

My work and research explores space, light, perspective and form through sculpture, drawing, photography and installation. Predominantly the focus is on how the viewer experiences space. However it is influenced by minimalism, geometry, light, balance and architecture which often become components to each piece. My work alters, highlights or creates space for the viewer to interact with. I often control the audience in order that they question how they negotiate space and how architecture intrudes on them. The spectator activates the work and becomes a participant. My work investigates how impact can be created and aims to become a physical and psychological experience for the viewer. In order for my work to become psychological, the way the spectator perceives the space alongside the physical negotiation of the space is also considered and controlled; illusions are exploited in order to encourage the viewer to rethink the way they perceive. To enable the audience to be able to form a relationship to the work, scale becomes important. The work uses scale that is recognisable to the viewer, making work that evokes the feeling of architecture but to a smaller scale, so the space becomes more intimate or intrusive