Andrea Sartori

Andrea Sartori

About The Artist

Andrea was born in Lugano, Switzerland, to a German mother and Italian father. Lugano is a small city in southern Switzerland just several miles from northern Italy. Her family background and birth place set her in the remarkable position to travel and experience different cultures since childhood, bringing her in touch with the rich diversity inherent to places, people and ways of perceiving life. Andrea holds advanced degrees in psychology and neuroscience. She has devoted a great part of her life working to understand and help people in need discover ways to heal and thrive. Her professional focus as a psychologist has been working directly with people with addictions and their underlying causes. This work has given her in an intimate and unique perspective with which to observe and experience the extremes of human behaviour. Andrea’s Artwork reflects how she personally has been effected and evolved through her life’s work. This can be seen in the messages underlying her Artwork, as she shares in abstract ways the power of human thoughts, emotions and actions. Andrea was drawn to study Sacred Geometry in order to understand the underlaying patterns inherent to all life, from quantum particles to expansive galaxies. As her studies in geometry merged with her own life experience an alchemical change occurred with her Art; her Art began to express how the underlying patterns in human thoughts affect human life and behaviour; the ripples and repercussions that thoughts have on everyday instances. In order to reflect this change Andrea began to create her Art under the name of “SoulAlkemy”. The abstractions in the early phases of her work are a representation of the unseen, of the forces that boil inside a human brain and the weight they have over the decisions and actions one chooses to entertain. In her latest works she overlays geometry onto images using what she defines "a quantum brush", her personal way to entangle the unseen to the perceived and to focus her Artwork on the invisible forces that pertain all that exists. Andrea’s educational foundation in psychology and neuroscience, along with her creative need and love to share her concepts in a visual way, have led her to study art, quantum physics, metaphysics and Sacred Geometry with various mentors. From the alchemical energy of this combination emerges a powerful synthesis of abstract/quantum images that are meant to hit the center of feelings and leave the observer in a state of wondering, where every dot or brush stroke represent a different energy and potential to life, not understood if seen alone but into its perfect place when seen as the bigger picture of Life. Andrea now lives in a small town in Arizona, USA, where she has left “the art of talking to the psyche" to dedicate herself to “the Art of talking through the Soul”.