Gudrun Alvebro

Gudrun Alvebro

About The Artist

I grew up in a big family and had lots of brothers and sisters. My parents were inspired by the Waldorf Education. The church played a minor role in my childhood at the time ,but nevertheless affected my view of the world . When I create I get my inspiration from the free painting, with hints of naivism. My father created oil paintings and me and my siblings were handed colors, and papers, and clay, to create things freely from our own imagination. When my father died when I was 13, I almost stopped painting and being creative altogether. As I grew up and became an adult I realized that creativity is a part of who I am, and after that I started exploring different techniques and I got into oil painting. I used to be a kindergarten teacher, but because of fibromyalgia I had to give that up. When I got sick, painting became a link to my inner self and a prayer to God. When I worked with children, I developed a respect for imagery that gave me a new perspective on my own paintings, and my own creative process. I am still inspired by children’s creativity, and how they paint from within with no pretension. I took courage to explore my own imagery and began to show my paintings to others. I am an autodidact, but I have taken a few classes. I am a member of Roslagsmålarna, an art union in my part of Stockholm. Since the autumn of 2007 I have been active in exhibitions in the Täby area of Stockholm. In 2012 I took a class in collography by the artist Fia Kvissberg from Södertälje. Since then I also use Collography as an expression. My art has been displayed at around twenty exhibitions in churches, libraries and art galleries in and around Stockholm since 2007.