Richard Barber

Richard Barber

About The Artist

My Profile Name Richard F. Barber Age 73 Painter. My art is a bit of a mix, I work in oils and watercolour and have just started metal point drawing, which I seem to enjoy. In the past I have worked in stone, marble, wood and clay, but my main mediums now are oils, watercolour and metal point. I started of in life as the eldest of eleven children, so there was no way I could have gone to art school of any type, but I always had the passion to paint, when ever the opportunity raised, It was not until later in life that I was able to devote more time to painting, what you might call a late starter. I have kicking around somewhere a BA for art, which I gained before moving to China in 2004. I exhibited in a few exhibitions while in China plus had my own first exhibition in a Tea House in Anshan City , which was televised on Chinese TV.I wo the International Landscape painter of the year at Artroma in 2006, I was also due to go to Brazil to exhibit some of my work,but due to heart failure I had to call it off. Then in 2010 I had no choice other than to return to the UK Leaving most of my work done there in China,the bigger pieces that I did manage to get shipped to the UK were to big for me to house, so they were given to a local Hospice near where I live now. In my art I look for the beauty in everything I see and try to convey that into my art, I have a quote in life. "You alone are the camera, your eyes are the shutters. What you absorb through them is what you paint, for it's you that's mixing the colours not the camera." My art as I have said is a bit of a mix, I paint landscapes , seascapes, figurative, still life and nudes, some of my work has been fantasy and surrealist. I try to create a moment in time that the viewer can interpret in their own way without any explanation from anyone but them selves The works that I'm submitting now are all new works that I have not shown or had made into prints. So I will leave you with this thought," You can please some of the people some of the time,but not all of the people all of the time.