by Ingrid Knaus

Artwork Description

Bagno di Nerone

0.0 x 0.0

this time I was more patient, before I went back to the place close to the Bagno die Nerone. A café which was just behind the area of the cathedral grabbed my attention. The alley was called Via Giosué Carducci and it had a small book shop in it which was called “libreria Borgo”. The tables from the café were arranged around a small fountain out of cast iron. When Gina, started to drink out of the bowl, which she only does when the water is really fresh, she remembered me of ordering a glass of water together with a coffee. It tasted delicious, which is quite unusual for Italy. Together with Gina I was waiting at the fountain, when I saw that this corner even has its own name. We were right at the Piazetta Ezio. There even was a Tabaccaio with some stationaries. oil on canvas, 60 x 80 cm,

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Oil

Genre: Expressionism