Giovanni Boldrini

Giovanni Boldrini

About The Artist

John Boldrini was born in Cascina (Pisa). Character genialoide, is an artist, before life and in a second time the creator of art. Painting Technique: Color combinations with materials. The artist works on flat surfaces with both colors, both with the help of objects, such as liquefied bottles, tires, rims of barrels etc. The surface of the works is prepared, with thickening, with various materials such as canvas compact bales of jute, chalk, sand, etc. Articles placed in the paintings are always and exclusively recycled. Color and material, ingeniously arranged create a synthesis of extraordinary artistry. Boldrini far exceeds the "New Realism", his themes are more emotional, evocative and passionate. His art is not only art of mind, but also and above all art heart. The artist questions the "why" cosmic thoroughly investigates the existence and life. Boldrini is an artist absolutely NEW, outside and above the current and "isms", an artist in a rush and at the same time global artist: art as a whole, the art as past, present and future man. The life of a painter