Joni Lynn Tomasetti

Joni Lynn Tomasetti

About The Artist

EDUCATION; Master of Fine Arts, Norwich University 1993 INSPIRATION; The interaction of color and shape in everything I look at, whether is landscape, figurative or architectural inspires my work. My inspiration comes from everyday life and everything I do. It's just that simple. Growing up in Cheyenne, Wyoming, the wildlife and vast openness were always subjects of fascination. I paint to convey my emotional reactions to my surroundings through my Art. My diverse travels abroad have greatly influenced my Art through sensations of the indigenous sights, colors, smells and cultures I experienced. It has opened doors to new ideas in my choices of color, medium and brushwork. When painting, my goal is to create vibrant and emotionally charged images by juxtaposing bold colorful shapes as my language of the visual image. Whether landscape, architectural, figurative or still life, I hope to engage the viewer, inspiring a thoughtful dialogue that captures memories and reminiscences from their consciousness. I consider my work expressionistic, bring dimensions of abstract and realism into one unparalleled and synergistic work of Art. My works are inspired by local inspirations and interpretations taken from my vast travels that extend throughout Europe, Asia, India, South America, Australia and Turkey. My intent is to enrich my paintings with the sights and flavors of each locale. My patrons are global, both private and corporate.