by Jasper

Artwork Description

Beautiful outside, but inside is not so beautiful

65.0 x 88.0 cm

I painted a beautiful female model with acrylic and pencil that you can glimpse behind the abstract, she can only be glimpsed because in her world it is never good enough, she is more interested in perfection, work, and money than humanity, because that is how society is created by people who likes to decide who are not empathetic, loving, and understanding, who do not like people, and the system is therefore made to be as perfect, severe, evil and wild as possible. Strangely enough, they are also making it difficult for themselves by changing the attitude of people, and thus women, so that they are on their side, and women fall for men who fit into this but dare to be brave and contact them and can seduce them but who are mostly a bad choice for her and the children because they are not real and loving but determinant, harsh, selfish, and mean, and that behavior can hurt people and destroy their lives for a lifetime. Beautiful women are sought after and so feel great. They only fall for men who are more spectacular than they are when such individuals contact them and who work and have a demeanor like when you work. When you focus on being mentally strong, flawless, confident, selfish, and wicked for her to feel secure in affluence and feel good, she becomes selfish, obstinate, greedy, and does not compromise. She is so tough to entice and unpleasant, strife and strict to live with since she sets such high demands, she believes luxury is more essential than humanity. If those needs are not satisfied, she coldly rejects the man and seeks another man who she believes will please her since doing differently she thinks would be too dangerous and frightening. She worries that if she does this, something terrible will happen to her, such as losing her life, yet all of this happens when people are selfish and cruel instead of being empathic and loving. The males don't care who she is; all they want to do is be with her and have sex with her because she's attractive. Women believe that men who work and are well-off are serious and passionate about life. Men's commitment and passion are just for the goal of impressing and seducing women to have sex with them; everything else in their lives is in fact unimportant. They can be wealthy and famous if they work hard and have talent, they can have fancy cars, tattoos, and muscles, and dress in military or police outfits. To impress and attract women in the hope that the women will contact them and have sex with them, but for women, it's not so much about what men show and do as it is about men being brave, and cool and contacting them, and this has always been a man`s job way back in time and today shows inner strength, works and is well-off before the woman wants anything to do with the man and it can be a bad choice if it turns out that the man is dishonest and not empathetic and loving. Beautiful women are sought after and only have to wait for men to approach them. They hope to find someone who is confident and can charm and seduce them, women don't view men solely as sexual objects as men do to women. Women do not place as much emphasis on men's looks today and will reject those who don't meet the perceived standards set by the job market, whom she believes will not be good enough to be with as they only seek financial stability and prosperity today. However, if women were to adopt a more sensible approach and prioritize qualities like empathy, kindness, and love in men, they will discover that these individuals make wonderful partners in the long term—for both themselves and their children. Shifting their attitude could lead to more meaningful and fulfilling relationships. People who are loving and therefore genuinely care about others desire a better life for everyone, not just themselves. They don`t want to be in charge, selfish or evil, and will treat women with respect, not as mere sex objects to flaunt to others. Instead, they view women as living beings with emotions, deserving of affection and dignity. Treating others with love and kindness is essential, as everything else is mindless, nonsense, and lifeless. However, if individuals cannot be loving, it will be best for them not to have children or raise them. This is because their actions will end up harming the children more than benefitting them. In such cases, it's crucial to prioritize a life of happiness, satisfaction, and fulfilling one's needs, including healthy relationships, rather than focusing solely on physical desires like sex. The artwork portrays a beautiful woman you can glimpse wearing a bikini, looking out of a window with a cigarette in his mouth, exuding a sense of confidence, deliciousness, and allure. She embodies everything that men want to own and have sex with. However, many men struggle to muster the courage to approach women due to traumas they endured during childhood or other distressing experiences like war or violence. These traumas aim to instill fear in men and hinder their ability to form connections with women. Such issues stem from a lack of love and genuine care among men who exhibit selfishness, cruelty, and a fake persona to appear cool and fearless. They project a facade of being strong, fearless, and amazing, which is a feeling they got from the good work they have done, but in truth, they are not their authentic selves. If these men truly possessed such amazing qualities, they would exhibit genuine toughness and bravery, enabling them to contact and seduce women without hesitation. Being cool, brave, and genuine is beneficial for men as it allows them to overcome fear regardless of whether men seem scared and insecure in the beginning, this will establish connections with women and lead to more sex if they can eliminate their fear, and men will experience happiness and fulfillment. Men who can seduce women, because they can confidently approach women and demonstrate strength, humor, and fearlessness will get a lot of sex and choose to have several women at once because they can, they have nothing else on their minds, because women are beautiful and delicious, and women today fall for those men because it shows they can handle their life and have a good job and earn a lot of money so they can feel safe and secure. However, it's essential to consider that being a good partner goes beyond appearances, perfection, and material success. Being loving and caring towards one's partner and children is crucial for a healthy, happy, and satisfying relationship and children. Those men who are loving and empathetic, dare to be brave and reach out to others, including women, even if they live with trauma, they do not want to have power over people and therefore don`t care to feel minor and not good enough, they like people and want them a good life ahead, even if they live with trauma and live a less good life. By doing so, they can overcome fear and find themselves and be loving, happy, and satisfied again, they are now not living a life with frustrations, they are now with women and can have women of their own choice and get more sex. But in conclusion, all men can be brave and seduce women if they want to, but it is important to notice that men who have courage, authenticity, love, and compassion can build meaningful relationships and lead fulfilling lives with women, children, people and animals who appreciate and love them in return. Living as a kind and loving person in a society which in their world is ridiculous and stupid, can be challenging. Some individuals, who lack understanding, love, and empathy, perceive this society as perfect and remarkable, but it is, in fact, superficial and false. The prevailing system promotes fear and distances people from one another from what is good, as love is absent from its core. This society was created with inhumanity, selfishness, evil, and completely wild, valuing only inner strength and accomplishments like good and hard work, regardless of who you truly are. Beautiful women are courted and put on a pedestal, leading to a sense of entitlement, selfishness and arrogance and making high demands, it is with these beautiful women in mind that the world still goes on. Men's obsession with women perpetuates this dynamic, while many men suffer from traumas and frustrations, merely dreaming of these coveted women, fostering envy, resentment and evil intentions among them. The absence of genuine love and understanding contributes to a lack of peace on Earth. The focus on superficialities and societal expectations perpetuates this cycle. To create a better world, we must shift our values away from materialistic desires and prioritize love, compassion, and meaningful connections among all people. However, if men began to disregard women and society turned down their demands and stopped, slowing down, we lived more simply, relaxed, and cared more about people, animals, and love rather than trivial things like jobs, money, and materials. Then you will finally be able to change people's attitudes, and therefore women's, so that it must grow into a simpler existence with more love and sex, resulting in happy and fulfilled people and a better world. The keywords I have written in different places like ENJOY by the face is because she is beautiful and nice to kiss, FREEKII FREEKII YOU by the breasts, breasts are nice and women are nice and crazy, PERFECT by the panties, panties are perfect and what hides behind the panties which are what men only think about who they want to have access to more than anything else in the whole world. LOVE on the forearm is most important for people to feel good and makes them stay FREE as I have written on the shoulder because that is the condition you must have as a man if you want success with women and which is a desire I have so I can live happy and satisfied and be who I really am. As a child I liked girls and kissed them, I didn't think about anything else and I still do to this day. But in my childhood, my father was unkind to me, treating me harshly in front of others. It felt awful, hurtful, and confusing, making me very sad. The problem and the worst part was that nobody stood up to him because they were scared of his tyrannical behavior. I didn't have anyone to support and love me, which led me over time to believe that people are generally evil and it made me afraid of being around them, he want me to be alone. My father had his own emotional struggles, and he didn't want me to be different from him. He became jealous that I was happy and loving and was kissing with girls, which he only dreamed of and this made him treat me evil, even though I was a cute little boy. He knew how to traumatize me, because his father, my grandfather, who was the one I was most afraid of, told him why he treated him harshly as a child, so that I should get the same treatment and live with trauma like them, and my grandfather has lived with trauma from world war. On the surface, it may look good and perfect but in reality, it is fake, behind closed doors, people do more harm than good when there is no love. The keyword "COOL" this is attractive to women, it is important if you want to have a life and manage it these days, some people in the world don't like others and are envious, and malicious, they have created a world where power, rules and evilness are used to put fear into people to control them. To have a good life in this world, it's important to be kind and show love to others. The keyword "FEEL" is important because it's natural for humans to express their emotions. However, nowadays, people avoid talking about feelings as it can make them feel vulnerable and lead to crying, which is seen as the opposite of being strong and brave. Society expects everyone to be tough and fearless, especially when working and making a living, because people who have created the society and have power over people like it that way, and this has changed people's attitudes. So, showing soft emotions is often not appreciated or accepted. But in my world as a dear person, I believe it's essential to be genuine and show all emotions. Being true to yourself and expressing feelings is good behavior and makes us human and authentic. "BLACK HEARTS" represent the importance of showing love and kindness to people and animals to feel happy. I prefer CALM living and people because this will result that people don't get angry and don't scare children. I use blue color to paint Japanese characters like samurai, strength, love, peace, happiness, loyalty, faith, life, and courage because they are positive and attractive qualities, especially to beautiful women. I find Japan fascinating, beautiful and different calmly, but I've learned that appearances can be deceiving, and we should take action to find the truth. The black lines and dots in my art are inspired by Aboriginal, African, and Indian tribal art, which I find beautiful and unique and which I think is done in a good way. These cultures seem to live more freely, in a primitive and honest way, allowing them to be themselves without facing the constant power struggles and evils seen in the Western modern world.

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Other

Genre: Expressionism