Michael Price

Michael Price

About The Artist

Michael Price Studio address: 819 Riverside Drive 3rd floor, New York, NY 10032 Born: Stoke-on-Trent, England, 1951. Biography Since 2000 Permanent Residence in New York (U.S. citizen 2010) 1977-1999 Resident in Munich, Germany 1994-1995 6 month residence in Austin, Texas 1991-1992 Regular working visits to the Provence, France 1976-1977 Resident in Rotterdam, Holland Education 1971-1974: London Central School of Art and Design, B.A. with honours (now Central St. Martins) 1969-1971: Stoke-on-Trent College of Art; Pre-degree Foundation Course, studied with the late Arthur Berry 2013: Studio interview by cdsavoia.com link http://www.watchwetheartists.com/michael-price 2016: (estimated Summer 2016) Book titled, "Renaissance Mysteries, Vol. I, Natural Colour and Vol. II, Proportion and Composition" to be published by Page Publishing, NYC. Exhibitions: One Person Planned 2018: Rosalie "Roz" Steiner Art Gallery, Batavia, New York 2017: Walter Wickiser Gallery. Catalogue 2015: Walter Wickiser Gallery (Oct. 2015). Catalogue 2010: Alfa Art Gallery, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 2009: Walter Wickiser Gallery, New York. Catalogue 2005: Henry Gregg Gallery, Brooklyn, New York FGS Gallery, Englewood, New Jersey 2003: David Findlay Galleries, New York 2002: Post Gallery, Houston, Texas 2000: Post Gallery, Houston, Texas 1998: Galerie Poller, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Catalogue 1997: Post Gallery, Houston, Texas 1996: Post Gallery, Houston, Texas 1989: Galerie Poller, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Galerie am Theaterplatz, Erlangen, Germany 1988: Galerie Friedrich, Cologne, Germany. Catalogue 1985: Galerie von Braunbehrens, Munich. Catalogue Group and Museum (selection) 2015: "ArtExchange", College Art Association Conference, New York. 2014: Alfa Art Gallery, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 2013: Walter Wickiser Gallery, New York (four person show titled "Figure Variations", Catalogue) 2011: Alfa Art Gallery, New Brunswick, New Jersey 2010: Walter Wickiser Gallery, New York Catalogue Henry Gregg Gallery, Brooklyn, New York Alfa Art Gallery, New Brunswick, New Jersey Catalogue 2009: Toronto International Art Fair (Walter Wickiser Gallery) 2008: Walter Wickiser Gallery, New York (four person, “Just the Figure”) Henry Gregg Gallery, New York 2005: Post Gallery, Houston, Texas, (four person) 2001: Organization of Independent Artists, New York (group) 1996: ‘Paros’, Paron, France. (3 painters & 1 sculptor) Catalogue ‘18th Hollfelder Sommeraustellung’, Bayreuth, Germany (group) 1993: ‘Six International Artists’, Montague Art Galleries Inc., New York 1989: Galerie Friedrich, Cologne, ‘Line-art’ (group) 1988: Galerie Friedrich, Cologne, (group) 1985: ‘Art Cologne’, Galerie von Braunbehrens 1984: ‘Kunst Salon’, Haus der Kunst (Museum of Modern Art), Munich Catalogue Galerie von Braunbehrens, Munich (group) 1983: ‘Kunst Salon’, Haus der Kunst, Munich Catalogue (group) Galerie von Braunbehrens, Munich (group) 1982 Galerie von Braunbehrens, Munich (group) 1981: ‘Trends 81’, Mall Galleries, London (group) ‘Drawing Show’, Loggia Gallery, London (group) ‘Kunst Salon’, Haus der Kunst, Munich Catalogue (group) Galerie von Braunbehrens, Munich (group) Publications: Research on the preparation and application of natural and mineral pigments 2007: College Art Association Conference Abstracts 2007: "The Contemporary Relevance of the Renaissance Palette" pp. 190-192. 2005: 1. "Bunte Götter, Die Farbigkeit antiker Skulptur" - Skulpturhalle Basel, Switzerland. Exhibition of the recontruction of polychromatic Greek sculpture, 11th Aug. - 20th Nov. 2005. Catalogue contribution titled: 'The preparation and application of mineral pigments', pp.256-259. Dutch translation: Kleur! Bij Grieken en Etrusken, prepared for the Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam. 2. Journal „Artwatch“ UK, No. 20, Summer 2005 ‘Blue, bluer, blu-est’, pp. 30-34 2000: „Leonardo“; Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology, M.I.T. press. Title: ‘A Renaissance of Colour, Particle Separation and Preparation of Azurite for Use in Oil Painting. (Issue 33/4). Collaboration on Mineral Pigment Research with Institutions and Companies Since 2008: Doerner Institute, Munich, Germany 2005-2007: 1. Vienna University of Technology, Austria. Binding medium and natural resin analysis with mineral pigments. 2. Golden Colors Inc. Production of a sample of historical mineral pigments for the company display. 2003-2007: The Glyptothek, Munich. The preparation and application of mineral pigments with Greek polychromatic sculptures. 2002-2004: MOMA scientific conservator, C. McGlinchey, New York: a. Analysis of the purity of my newly developed method for the extraction of lazurite from the semi precious rock lapis lazuli. b. X-ray diffraction of prepared mineral pigments and extracted impurities c. Advanced ageing tests of selected prepared and unprepared natural and mineral pigments. 2001: Tests with drying oils, essential oils and varnishes on prepared natural and mineral pigments. Since 1998: Kremer Pigments, Aichstetten, Germany: Adaptation of my methods of pigment preparation for the production of azurite. This was extended to include malachite and cinnabar. 1998: 1. Dr. R. Treichler, Siemens AG, Munich, Germany: SEM-imaging of azurite particles (for the „Leonardo“ publication). 2. Mr. H. Lezec, Micrion Corporation, Peabody, USA: FIB-imaging of azurite particles (for the „Leonardo“ publication). 1989-1990: Dr. A. Burmester, Doerner-Institute, Munich, Germany: Examination of evidence of applied geometrical methods revealed from the infra-red spectrographic analysis of a Tintoretto painting, the Bamberg „Assumption of the Virgin Mary“. Lectures: 1. ‘A Lost World of Colour: The Preparation and Use of Natural and Mineral Pigments in Oil Painting’ 2. The Geometry of Painting Formats. 2013: Walter Wickiser Gallery, New York, "Dürer's Melencolia I" 2010: Alfa Art Gallery, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 2009: Salgamundi Club, New York. 2007: 1. Colloquium: ‘A Renaissance of Colour’, Doerner Institute, Munich, Germany. 2. Chair Person: College Art Association 95th Annual Conference, NYC “The Contemporary Relevance of the Renaissance Palette” Other speakers invited by Michael Price included Michael Skalka, Washington National Gallery; Dr. Georg Kremer, Kremer Pigments; Shuya Wei, Vienna University of Technology, Austria. 2005: Henry Gregg Gallery, New York 2002: Luxun Academy of Fine Art, Shenyang, China Houston Museum of Fine Art, Houston, Texas 2001: ‘Painter’s Forum’, New York. A quarterly symposium on archival materials and techniques 1999: New York Art Academy, New York Munich Academy of Art, Germany 1996: School of Fine Art, University of Texas, Austin, Texas Teaching and Instruction: Since 2003: Workshops in collaboration with Kremer Pigments, New York: The properties and preparation of natural and mineral pigments and their application in tempera, casein, natural resins and oil binding mediums. 2002: Oil painting department of the Luxun Academy of Fine Art, Shenyang, China. llustrations, Writing and Poetry 1992: Illustrations published in the English Literary Journal ‘Iron’ 1981-1982: Articles on art for the German magazine ‘Anglo American Spotlight’ (now Spotlight). 1975: Poetry selected and read at the ‘City of Westminster (London) Literary Festival’. Reviews (selection) 2005: Süddeutsche Zeitung Nr. 184, Munich, Germany 2002: Interview by PBS TV, Houston (broadcast May 2002) 1996: 'Région sénonaise', France 1988: 'Handelsblatt', Germany 1986: 'Stadtillustrierte Nürnberg, Furth, Erlangen', Germany 1985: 'Süddeutscher Zeitung' & 'Abend Zeitung', Munich 1983: 'Abend Zeitung', Munich, Germany 1982: 'Süddeutscher Zeitung', Germany