by Iwona Duniec

Artwork Description


34.0 x 40.0 inches

The horse has been associated with numerous roles and magical gifts throughout the ages and in all regions of the world where human populations have come into contact with it, making it the most symbolically charged animal Horses have big energy which can brin your troubles, your negative thoughts about yourself, your struggles, your conflicts, your shadowy hatred of your current situation to retrospection. Even if you try to hide it and focus on all of the ways you are so perfect, so successful, so in control, a horse will mirror your emotions, your patterns, your behaviors back to you until you are left sitting in a paddock, kicking your angry boots at the world. They are reading you before you have even had time to hide your dark shadows. Working with horse alchemy, with transformation, you first need to see what you are actually struggling with, what you are actually creating in your life. And for some reason, these big noble, magical horse creatures are just the right ones to show you. With our conscious minds, it is often nearly impossible to see the many ways we create our own destruction. It is maddening. Horses teach us boundaries. They can help us identify where we have stopped moving or ceased to explore. Part of the reason that they are so good at teaching this is that they are huge and they have no qualms about taking up space in the world. In a herd, you will see them move each other around with a touch of the nose or a kick. They have big feet. They must be given room to be who they are, but not so much room that they take advantage. They teach us boundaries within ourselves. You need to know your limit. You will know it quickly with a horse. They also show us that it is okay to share love, and carrots and apples, with those we love. They are sensitive, and have sensitive stomachs and individualized needs. So do we. Horses also can help us identify where we have stopped moving or ceased to explore.

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Acrylic

Genre: Surrealism