by Iwona Duniec

Artwork Description


30.0 x 40.0 inches

The water flowing in the river, leaves falling from the trees, and the snowflakes melting in the air. It’s all constantly moving and changing. And that’s what life is, too — constant movement and evolution. This includes our thoughts, emotions, and physical surroundings. By keeping open mind in everyday life help us stay flexible to any changes. It doesn’t mean that everything will be nice, kind and happy, but rather that we will be able to move from one situation to the other in a smoother way. That no matter how we feel – sad or happy or something else, we’ll be able to acknowledge it, allow it, digest it and move on with a bigger heart and further clarity of ourselves and our surroundings. There are times in our life when we clearly feel that we are in the flow of life – with ourselves, with our surroundings, with what happens to us and the way we are able to deal with it. As humans, we have the need to be connected, to be in touch – even if we love to have our moments of solitude. We become depressed when we are too isolated and not a part of the world.

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Acrylic

Genre: Surrealism