About The Artist

My passion for wood sent me start working with this material as a hobby. I love the shapes that wood can enable, its smell, its touch, the confort sensation it provides and the variety of visual aspects and collors we can find in the nature. I decided to work as a craftsman, creating only exclusives pieces to the art and decoration markets. Nature is one of my great inspiration sources. I try to use my works to sensitize people how powerful and important nature has always been. Another huge source is the daily life: events, experiences, news, images, facts, ....contribute a lot to my creations. The idea is not only reproduce something but mainly tease the viewer to think about the showed subject. As an autodidact artist I love the abstract. I also love curves and waves. They give a soft and fluidity sensation to the work. As an artisan I prefer to use my hands and some no industrial equipments and tools. In every new work I try to challange myself creating a new shape or inovating the way it will be produced. This is an important motivation aspect for me. My creations are the outcome of three passions in my life: wood of course, but also the desing and sustainability subjects. Preferentially I use disposal wood as material , from houses that have been demolished, trees that needed to be cut (to old or for safety reasons),.... It is a great pleasure to give a new life to a piece of wood that would be dismissed. But also a great responsability: give a new shape to something that has been shaped by nature since a long time.